The CSR – Corporate Social Responsibility (also called corporate conscience, or responsible business) of ALENIS, is the form of company self-regulation integrated into the business model.

ALENIS not only monitors and ensures its active compliance with law directives, ethical standards and national and international norms, but goes beyond the mere application of these principles by engaging in actions that further encourage social and environmental awareness.

ALENIS increases its long-term sustainability through positive public relations, high ethical standards to reduce business and legal risks, and owners’ trust by taking responsibility for its actions. Its strategies encourage the company to make a positive impact on the environment and stakeholders including clients, communities, and others.

The Green Policy
ALENIS has adopted its own Green Policy following the GREENWILL model for a greener globe. The company and its director publicly pledged to consider the environmental aspects in decision making processes.

Download here the Green Policy of ALENIS.

2016-04 Green Policy Alenis Hungary

Microfinance involvement

We regularly lend money for good causes, through the Kiva microcredit / microlending nonprofit organization, without any interest.

Mr Orzan personally has a range of loans and microloans given at zero interest rate, mostly supporting education (university studies and similar) and small entrepreneurs development, across a dozen of countries.

You can join our group and lend some money (starting from 25 USD) together with us, supporting initiatives to alleviate poverty >>> kiva.org/team/greenwill